/ Project
Moscow Residence
A super flexible and advanced M+E design for one of the largest single-home residential properties in the world.
Moscow Residence
Moscow, Russia
Alain Reynaud
Millhouse Capital/Chelsea FC
250,000 m²
Development Type
dsa ENGINEERING provided the complete mechanical and electrical design for this new 250,000 ft² private residential complex outside of Moscow on the site of Brezhnev’s old dacha. The site was 100 hectares and DSA designed an on-site energy centre that included a central boiler and chiller plant for the 12 buildings. The boiler plant comprised oil-fired, gas-fired and wood chip modules within a buried plantroom near the centre of the site. All heating and cooling within the main house had to be completely concealed so that the owner could not see where the air and heat emanated. The noise criteria was NR-20 throughout.